Saturday 24 February 2024

Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 11 - Faith Is My Natural Response To His Revelation

Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. Discover how embracing faith over negativity transforms lives with insights from a personal revelation journey.

Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

negativity fast reflection

As we embark on this reflective journey today, we are poised to unravel the transformative power of embracing faith over negativity. Picture this: a personal revelation journey that transcends conventional boundaries, leading us into uncharted territories of spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. This is not just another self-help gimmick; it's an immersive experience that promises to upend our perspectives and infuse our lives with newfound purpose and vigour.

This isn't about blind optimism or wishful thinking; rather, it's about harnessing the latent strength that God gives to confront life's adversities head-on. So buckle up as we embark on this revelatory expedition into the realm where faith triumphs over negativity – you might just find yourself transformed in ways you never thought possible.

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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection - Faith Is My Natural Response To His Revelation

Faith is my natural response to His revelation. It’s a gift He freely gives me. It’s a muscle I need to exercise. Faith without works is dead. I prove my faith by the good works He shines through me for people to see. Faith is the shield that protects me. Faith is one of the three that remain.

Do people see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven?

Next Steps

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.

Carpe Vitae!

negativity Fast reflections

Friday 23 February 2024

Live LIGHT Loop for Friday, February 23, 2024

The Live LIGHT LOOP celebrates all things Live LIGHT - including the books, and courses, and resources, and community and coaching that can be found on

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at and the Content Creator at Check out for past videos and live casts and to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

Live LIGHT Loop

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TL/DL/DW - Read the notes for the Live LIGHT Loop

This is the Live LIGHT Loop for Friday, February 23, 2024.

I’m Trevor Lund the Content Creator at and the Founder of Live LIGHT Academy on

What about you?

You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace and joy and hope at all times and in every situation.

How I can help

Live LIGHT Academy has books and courses and resources and community and coaching to help you not conform but be transformed so you can have peace and hope and joy at all times and in every situation.

What Am I working on?

Daily Live Casts on Negativity Fast Reflections and working on the blogging and syndication network I’ve set up. About to update and post more content on Why and How and What to seek the Lord for.

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Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 7 - I Take Up My Position

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What Should I Do If My Ex Won’t Forgive Me?

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Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 7 - I Take Up My Position

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course

Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered TO having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Reflections and Devotional

Get the Live LIGHT Negativity Fast in Book form today. 47 days of reflections and devotionals to help you take thoughts captive and align with God's will for your life.

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Live LIGHT Loop

Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 10 - I Look For Opportunity To Share Jesus And His Love

Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. See how much easier it is to be ready to share reason for the hope that you have with gentleness and respect.

Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

negativity fast reflections

In a world that often seems shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, where hope feels like a fleeting shadow, there exists a beacon of light that can guide us toward a path of compassion, understanding, and profound love. This light, embodied in the teachings and love of Jesus Christ, offers more than just solace; it provides an opportunity for transformation, connection, and the sharing of an unconditional love that transcends all barriers.

"I Look For Opportunity To Share Jesus And His Love" is not just a statement—it's a journey, a commitment to living a life that reflects the boundless love and grace that Jesus exemplified. Through this blog post, we embark on a heartfelt exploration of what it means to seek out and embrace these opportunities, to become vessels of His love in a world that desperately needs it. Join us as we delve into the ways we can all make a difference, one act of kindness, one word of encouragement, and one moment of sharing at a time.

May you be encouraged to make it this stated true - I Look For Opportunity To Share Jesus And His Love

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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection - I Look For Opportunity To Share Jesus And His Love

I look for opportunity to share Jesus and his love. I am prepared to give answer when people ask about the hope I have. I want people to know about what Jesus has done in my life. His peace and joy and hope are evident and I am excited when people ask me about it.

Am I active in sharing my faith? When was the last time I talked to someone about Jesus?

Next Steps

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.

Carpe Vitae!

negativity fast reflections

Friday 16 February 2024

Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 3 - I Encourage And Build Up Others

Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. Discover the transformative power of positivity in a journey of uplifting others through a negativity fast.

Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

negativity fast reflection

Are you tired of the negativity that seems to be sweeping through society? Well, it's time to take a stand and make a change! In a world filled with criticism and discouragement, there is an urgent need for individuals who actively seek to encourage and build up others. It’s what God tells us to do. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. How do you live that out in the day-to-day of everyday?

Imagine a world where every interaction leaves people feeling uplifted and inspired. Sound too good to be true? It's not!

Instead of being dragged down by the weight of pessimism and doubt, you have the power to refresh those around you with words of affirmation and support. You’ll be encouraged as you encourage others and be refreshed as you refresh others.

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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection - I Encourage And Build Up Others

I only let encouragement come out of my mouth. I do my best to always build up and not tear down others. I ask the tough questions Holy Spirit prompts me to, but I speak the truth in love with His help as well. People look to me as a person of wisdom.

Have I spoken words I need to apologize for lately?

Next Steps

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.

Carpe Vitae!

Negativity Fast Reflection

Thursday 15 February 2024

Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 2 - I Am Not My Own

Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. Discover the transformative journey of a negativity fast in 'I am not my own,' a reflection on personal growth and inner peace.

Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

negativity fast reflection
Why not start a negativity fast

We live in a culture that promotes individualism and self-reliance, but what if I challenged you to consider the radical idea that “I am not my own”?

In a world filled with constant pressure to conform and indulge in instant gratification, it’s easy to lose sight of who we really are. But what if I told you that there’s a way to break free from this cycle of self-doubt and disobedience? What if I told you that by surrendering to the lordship of Jesus, we can truly discover our authentic selves and live a life filled with purpose, joy, and peace?

This is not about losing our autonomy or identity; rather, it's about recognizing the transformative power of yielding to our higher authority. Imagine embarking on a journey where instead of striving for personal gain or seeking validation from others, we embark on a negativity fast by choosing to focus on obeying the teachings of Jesus.

This shift in perspective has the potential to revolutionize how we perceive ourselves and our place in the world. Join me as we explore what it means to relinquish control over our lives and embrace the liberating truth that true freedom comes from surrendering to something greater than ourselves.

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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection - I Am Not My Own

I am not my own, I have been bought with a price. I belong to God. His opinion of me is the only opinion that matters. He is for my and not against me. Since he is for me, who can be against me?

How does God’s opinion of me change my opinion of myself today?

Next Steps

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.

Carpe Vitae!

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast

Negativity Fast Reflection - Day 1 - I Control My Thoughts

Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. Discover the power of positivity through a negativity fast and how God helps me control my thoughts.

Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

negativity fast Reflection

Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts? Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by the constant stream of worries and doubts that flood your mind?

What if I told you that you have the power to break free from this mental prison and take control of your thoughts? In a world where negativity spreads fast and reflection is often overshadowed by chaos, learning to master your own mind can be a revolutionary act.

Imagine being able to steer your thoughts in a positive direction, no matter what challenges come your way. Explore the transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we reflect on the discipline of controlling our thoughts.

Don’t believe every thought in your head. Take your thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. He is Lord. Do it with the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead. Here’s a reflection to help you start this journey yourself.

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Read the Negativity Fast Reflection - I Control My Thoughts

I control my thoughts. My Father has given my everything I need for life and godliness. His Holy Spirit empowers me to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. I take thoughts captive. I tear down strongholds. I demolish arguments that set themselves up against the knowledge of Christ. I do it with same power that raised Christ from the dead.

Have I been taking thoughts captive or have thoughts  been taking me captive lately?

Next Steps

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity

Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.

Carpe Vitae!